Git provides alias creation for most commonly used commands.

git add -A && git commit -m "new changes"

You can make an alias to this command in the Git using command below. Ensure you use SINGLE QUOTES

git config --global alias.c '!git add -A && git commit -m'

This will create a global alias c for command git add -A && git commit -m. Now you can use the command below

git c "new changes"

You can delete an alias with git config --global --unset alias.c or git config --global --unset-all command.


git config --get-regexp
{ #alias}

maksim@DESKTOP-RFLIR6R MINGW64 ~/work (master)
$ git config --get-regexp
{ #alias}

alias.c git log --oneline add -A && git commit -m

Link to original note: git commands most used